
Cultural association Il tombolo di Anghiari

A tribute to Leonardo da Vinci for the 500th anniversary of his death

The Vinciani knot and femminine beauty

October 2019


It is a great pleasure for me to participate in this wonderful exhibition.

New challenge „Bobbin Lace and Mona Lisa“.

There is something in seeing well-known places and things with your own eyes.  But how to catch lace creation?

Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Being with willing is not enough; we must do, written by Leonardo da Vinci.

With Da Vinci as an inspiration in bobbin lace, I tried, step by step, to discover a new way of thinking, to create in this demanding lace technique: problem solving, creative thinking, self-expression, enjoying lace creations, goal setting. Idea is born of work.

I made the lace, 25×31 cm, with metallic and cotton threads using 40 pairs of bobbins. The lace is glued to a hand-painted canvas.


6th International Competition Lace in Gorizia

June 2018

“Stitches and counterpoints”

The sounds of lace and violin

Both lace making and playing a music instrument, through fingers, feed my soul, raise me up. This is my quartet of bobbins, colours, threads and music.

Within the 6th International Competition, the Fondazione Scuola Merletti dedicated a special part of “Music and lace” to the young, to stimulate circulation of knowledge of this art in the young generation and also to enhance their imagination and creativity.

This time, my first student Ana Lena, 8-year-old girl, presented her lace. So I’m proud of her!



5th International bobbin lace competition

Gradisca d’Isonzo, Italy

From 9 to 10 September 2017

The art for you… Painting


The Italian association Fuselliamo organized the 5th International bobbin lace competition for 2017 to promote and appreciate the technique of bobbin lace making. It found inspiration in the paintings of Italian painter Giorgio de Chirico.

The competition for this very demanding lace making technique was divided into three categories: beginners, intermediate and advanced, and a special category for children under 15 years of age. Each category had a single pattern, the same for everyone, created for this occasion by the Association Fuselliamo. The pattern provided is full size 18×18 cm.


8-year-old Ana Lena Jelić, my first student, dared to face this great challenge and report. I do not have to tell how much her parents and I are proud of her when we saw her exposed lace work.

Bravo Ana Lena!

Welcome to the world of lace!

Let this be a place for relaxation and creative expression!



Valtopina 2016

From 2 to 4 September 2016

“How to interpret the sign”

I was invited to participate in the group exhibition “How to interpret the sign”, was held in the rectory and attended by Italian and foreign artists of different techniques, where artist “interpreted” the default flowers design made by Mrs. Maria Bissacco. With the consent of the author of free interpretation her design, it can be transformed, cut. etc…, I created the cover for an album for my lace works.



5th International Competition Lace making in Gorizia 2016

From 10 to 29 June 2016



At the Carnival

Carnival – it seemed to be the perfect place to express the given theme “The thread of design”.

Inspiration of some bobbin lace stitches, threads in colours, little beads took me to lace adventure – Venice Carnival in bobbin lace.

I made the lace, 19,5×40 cm, with linen and metallic threads using 34 pairs of bobbins. Also, I used some beads to decorate it. The outside border of lace has been attached to the fabric with very closely worked overcast stitches.

Opening of the exhibiton


X Biennale De Fabula


26th June – 5th July 2015

3rd International Biennale De Fabula for the realization of a work done by hand with technique of embroidery and lace with the following theme:

The dream, a fantasy world where you live experiences and incredible situations.

In my dreams I often drop by my hometown. There is a green house where I grew up and had a happy childhood. It is a home where as 10-year-old girl my grandmother and mother had taught me to make lace. My hometown, along a beautiful river and waterfalls nearby, is simply magical. After so many years of creative hand work my hometown moved from my dreams into my lace work.

I made the lace, 29×26 cm, with metallic and linen thread using 21 pairs of bobbins.!prettyPhoto[gallery-pretty]/10/


4th International Competition Lace making in Gorizia 2014

From 10 to 29 May 2014


The inspiration for the default theme “Lace: new trends in clothing” for the 4th International competition “Lace in Gorizia in 2014” I have found in Cameo jewelry.

I have made a shawl with lace application (18×32 cm) at the ends decorated with a Cameo brooch (Φ 10 cm).

“The beauty of a Cameo” I made with metallic Madeira thread no 15.

When making lace, I used several stitches: cloth stitch, half stitch, double stitch with inside and outside pins, layered gauze and tallies. I made the brooch in two layers to highlight typical Cameo style: darker colors in the background Cameo and brighter color in the foreground. In making lace I used 33 pairs of bobbins.


3rd Competition Lace making in Gorizia 2012

From 12 to 31 May 2012



Inspiration for the given theme „Transparencies – A lace to confine the empty space“ I have found in the sea that is nostalgically drawn into the world of lace.

By playing with the sea motifs and composition of colours I wanted to show my vision of the theme.

I have made a self-portrait.

I have always felt that my hands can do more, they speak more than my face. I have simply let my golden hands do the work, to speak on my behalf, to convey my creative thoughts, the idea of moving within the lace, to show how I feel things.

In the lace world everything is transparent. Everything that surrounds me is reflected within me, the sea depicts me perfectly in the world of lace.

Listening to the shell inspires my imagination. I listen to the sea breathing. I give way to my emotions. I listen to myself.

Blue wide space, sea depth, silence and light and powerful movements confine my time of learning how to make lace. Goldfish are my golden ideas that live within me and try to reach the surface. New ideas „float“, just like my sailboats, they look for new challenges to broaden my creative horizons for making lace.

I made the lace in two layers:

1) Waves, 4 sailboats (4 sides of the world), little fish, seahorse and corals stand symbolize moving of my thoughts, my ideas. Red corals stand symbolizes the value of lace made with a lot of love.

2) Net made with half stitch with two shades of blue symbolizes the power of sea and beauty of lace’s clarity.

When making lace, I used several stitches: cloth stitch, halfstitch and double stitch with inside and outside pins, a plait with 3 pairs with a single picot, a plait with 4 pairs, leaves and 40 pairs of bobbins.

I made the lace, 35×31 cm, with metallic Madeira thread no. 15 and 30.


Inspiraciju na zadanu temu “Prozirnost – Čipka koja zatvara prostor” potražila sam u moru koje nostalgično vučem u svijet čipke.

Igrom morskih motiva i kompozicijom boja željela sam pokazati kako ja vidim zadanu temu.

Izradila sam autoportret.

Uvijek sam osjećala da moje ruke mogu više, one govore više nego moje lice. Jednostavno, dopustila sam da moje zlatne ruke rade, da govore o meni, da prenesu moje kreativne misli, ideje movinga u čipki, da pokažu kako ja stvari osjećam.

U svijetu čipke sve je transparentno. Sve što me okružuje odraz je u meni, more me savršeno oslikava u svijetu čipke.

Slušanje školjke u meni potiče maštu. Slušam kako more diše. Prepuštam se emocijama. Slušam sebe.

Modro prostranstvo, morska dubina, tišina, i lagani i snažni pokreti kriju moje vrijeme učenja izrade čipke. Zlatne ribice su moje zlatne ideje koje žive u meni i pokušavaju isplivati na površinu. Nove ideje “plove”, kao i moje jedrilice, traže nove izazove kako da proširim svoj prostor izrade čipke.

Čipku sam izradila u dva sloja:

1) Valovi, 4 jedrilice (4 strane svijeta), ribice, morski konjic i koralj predstavljaju kretanje mojih misli, ideje. Crveni koralj prezentira vrijednost čipke koja je izražena s puno ljubavi.

2) Mreža izrađena bodom polusvijet s dvije nijanse plave boje simbolizira snagu mora i ljepotu prozračnosti laži.

U izradi čipke koristila sam 40 pari baatića.

Čipku, 35×31 cm, izradila sam s metalikom Madeira koncem br. 15 i 30.


Izložba u Valtopini

Muzeja i tekstila u Valtopini, Italija

2. rujna – 8. prosinca 2011